Tabele w bazie danych: Users: Those who will place bets. Sports: Different sports available for betting. Leagues: Various leagues or tournaments within a sport. Events: Specific matches or games within a league. Bets: Bets placed by users on events. Outcomes: Possible outcomes for an event. Zawartość tabel: 1. Users user_id (PK): Unique identifier for each user. username: User's chosen name. email: User's email. password: User's encrypted password. balance: Amount of money the user has. 2. Sports sport_id (PK): Unique identifier for each sport. name: Name of the sport. 3. Leagues league_id (PK): Unique identifier for each league. sport_id (FK): Reference to the sport the league belongs to. name: Name of the league or tournament. 4. Events event_id (PK): Unique identifier for each event. league_id (FK): Reference to the league the event is part of. name: Name of the event (e.g., "Team A vs Team B"). event_date: Date and time when the event will take place. 5. Outcomes outcome_id (PK): Unique identifier for each possible outcome. event_id (FK): Reference to the event. description: Description of the outcome (e.g., "Team A wins"). odds: Odds for this outcome, a decimal value that represents the multiplier for the bet if this outcome occurs (e.g., 1.50). 6. Bets bet_id (PK): Unique identifier for each bet. user_id (FK): Reference to the user who placed the bet. amount: Amount of money placed on the bet. outcome_id (FK): The predicted outcome for the bet.